Mission Statement
The McMaster Mars Team Rover provides students with the opportunity to become the next generation of leaders, scientists, and innovators in the aerospace industry. The McMaster Mars Rover team brings together passionate McMaster students from all faculties who share interest in space and space technologies. Our interdisciplinary approach will allow students to participate in the design and construction of a functional Mars Rover, that will compete in international competitions. This team will empower students who aspire to enter the aerospace industry by providing them with a setting which will foster the development of their technical and leadership skills. Above all else, the McMaster Mars Rover Team hopes to contribute towards the advancement of technology in space exploration.
First Let'sDiscover
The first step to innovation is being curious. We want to encourage exploration and discovering novel connections. This is the foundation of our team's success.
Now Let'sCreate
After discovering different ideas, members can be expected to engage in creation and prototyping. Sometimes this phase doesn't work out, and we go back to the drawing board.
Then We CanShare
Finally, MMRT emphasizes the importance of collaboration among different demographics. Whether it's on-campus, a corporate office, or a generous sponsor, we enjoy sharing our ideas and plans.